The obligatory picture... but this one is about a year old... the pink varies between blinding neon, and a light bubble-gum color (when it gets faded and I'm too lazy to retouch it). Also, my hair is much longer now, so the pink is just an inch or so on the bottom, far less noticeable. Eventually I'll get a more recent picture. |
Who am I?
Okay, so how would I describe myself... I tend to be fairly laid back, not a worrier at all... I either act or I pray (usually both), but I never really get anxious over anything. As a kid I was pretty shy so I taught myself to be more outgoing. As a result, although I am quiet and reflective by nature, I may appear quite the opposite depending on when you catch me.
I have been a born-again Christian for ten years now, although it seems like just yesterday that I gave my life to Christ. My walk with God has seen me through many highs and lows. I think I have fallen off the path He intended for me from time to time... just getting caught up and distracted in worldly things like career and relationships and stuff, but God has always been my center and I continually bring my priorities back in line when they drift askew. It is a daily commitment, giving my life over to Him. God has taught me so much and, despite my many shortcomings, He has done much through me. I pray that I can be more disciplined and more effective for Him in my next ten years.
What am I into?
I have lots of interests. I am an avid photographer and rarely go anywhere without some kind of camera. I like to play guitar (but it doesn't sound like the guitar enjoys it too much, maybe with more practice)... I like to be active, especially outdoors... rock climbing, rollerblading, skydiving, jet skiing... but I also love to relax, pray, sleep in, etc. I work pretty hard, so I make the most of my down time with things that energize or rejuvenate me. It really just depends on my mood. I don't watch much TV, but I can spend hours on my computer (heck, I'm on it right now writing this!)... deep down there's a nerd in me, but away from the office I hide it pretty well. ;-)
I'm pretty involved with my church Bethel. I built and maintain the church website (but I don't always update it as often as I ought to). I also volunteer in the mornings with a home school held at the church. The kids vary from 2nd grade up through 10th grade, but there aren't that many kids so it's manageable. I teach them Math and Science and whatever else comes up. I also used to operate the projector for the worship service, but recently we've been doing something different for worship. God is giving me a role in the new worship service as well, where He has led me to create the set lists for the worship time. I never thought that would be a strength of mine, but apparently God is working through me in a new way... He's always molding me in ways I would never have expected.
Where am I from?
I grew up in Daytona Beach, Florida on a sailboat named Encore. I left FL to go to college in Pittsburgh at Carnegie Mellon University. I got a BS in Math (Operations Research, OR) with a minor in CS. I really liked OR but my work was leading me more into computer science, so I added the minor. I've been writing software ever since and I have a great time with it. In fact, I love what I do so much that I probably devote more time to work than I should, but I really enjoy it and have a hard time turning down anything that sounds interesting.
I now live outside Boston. It's not at all like FL, but I actually enjoy winter and snow. I don't envision myself returning to live in FL any time soon, the New England seasons are too much a part of me now. However, I always make it back for a visit twice a year, to see my mom, my old friends, and my home.